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Friday, December 09, 2005

What's d Difference???

On a warm spring afternoon, fifteen years ago, two youngmen graduated from the same college.

They were similar inmany ways...
Like most ambitious, hard working students they had alsoenjoyed time off to play sport and to have fun with theirfriends. And they were both very excited about the brightfuture that lay ahead.

Fifteen years later they met.

They were still alike in many ways. Both had a good familylife, a comfortable home and they both had a little grayhair!

But there was a difference.

One of the men is stuck in his career and he hates his deadend job. He feels frustrated and unappreciated. And eachMonday morning he drags himself out of bed to strugglethrough another tiring week.
The other man is in charge of his own business and works asmany or as few hours as he pleases each day. He is excitedabout his work and is richly rewarded for his success. Heis living the dream.

What made the difference?

Have you ever wondered how two people of similar abilityand intelligence can produce such different results intheir careers?
One person struggles day after day and claws his way to thetop of his department - while another seems to have a neverending drive to do more and to achieve more. He rises tothe top of the company in record time.
The difference is in knowing how to get motivated and moreimportantly how to stay motivated.

There is an easy way and a hard way.The hard way means getting stressed about deadlines,constantly beating yourself up and never really achievinganything of value without a lot of worry and tension. It can also mean feeling exhausted and overwhelmed much of thetime.

On the other hand, the easy way means you feel a sense of purpose and drive to achieve more for your own satisfaction and enjoyment. You get more done in less time and you feel energized by your goals. And even better, people respectand value you in a whole new way.

Which do you prefer - the easy way or the hard way?
Knowledge is Power.

Right now I can turn on or turn off my own motivation at will without needing other people to coax me into action.
When you become a master of self-motivation you will wonderwhy you waited so long to get your hands on the knowledgethat was here for you all along.Think about it for a moment.

Why do you want to be more motivated?What are the most important reasons why you want to improve this aspect of your life?What have you missed out on by neglecting this crucial skill?

The time to change is now - until you do, another day,another week and another month will slip by and you will beno further forward in your life.



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