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Sunday, November 27, 2005

Oh Peter !

There was one Peter I respected till date n that was our own Dr. Peter Drucker.
And here is another specially God-sent mentally super-charged persona I passed by-- Mr Peter Murphy.

Wanna know the secrets of Success n Motivation? Well, who doesn't wanna know them today ... even Bush n Blair n Laden are running for them !

Check out some pointers by the guru Murphy himself...

>>> 10 keys to beating procrastination:
1. Working efficiently requires much less energy thantackling several tasks at once and never completing any ofthem.You can more effectively manage your time if you make alist each day of every task you need to complete in orderof importance.Finish each task before starting on the next.Organizational and time management skills will reduce yourlevel of stress and increase your productivity.
2. Problems and demands can seem overwhelming at times andleave you feeling overburdened and out of control. Theproper time management tools, including a to do list, willhelp you keep your priorities in order and give you a planto follow each day.
3. If your tasks seem large, break them into individualcomponents until they seem more manageable. With a preciseplan you can eliminate most of the problems you face duringthe day and gain a feeling of pride and accomplishment whenyou see a noticeable difference in your productivity level.
4. Procrastination tends to leave you with a feeling offrustration and a sense of never finishing anything nomatter how hard you work.To find success both at work and at home, you must organizeyour daily tasks and your life. Time management skills areamong the most important you'll ever learn. Learning toprioritize and do the right things at the right time willhelp you reach your goals on a daily basis.
5. Being effective means doing the right things in a timelymanner. Your effectiveness depends on learning how to stopprocrastinating.You can delegate tasks to others to free up your time to dothe urgent tasks to meet your objectives in order to bemore productive. Being inefficient and frustrated equatesto poor performance.
6. You can lower your stress level and achieve your taskseach if you practice using your time wisely and learn howto stop procrastinating.You can learn how to stop procrastinating if you useeffective time management skills. You can get good resultsif you use your time wisely.
7. Determine your priorities, set achievable goals, andplan wisely to enable you to make the best use of your time.Learn your strengths and your weaknesses, and you candevelop a plan so you can be more productive in both yourpersonal and professional life.It is important to enjoy what you do to enhance the qualityof your life. Most jobs have duties that are monotonousand that you dislike.
8. Learning how to stop procrastinating will allow you tolessen the time spent on performing tasks that you dislike.Allow more time for the things you like to do to alleviateyour frustration, and you will be on your way toward endingprocrastination.
9. Identifying your strengths and weaknesses can help youcan direct your job toward an efficient, if not enjoyable,direction.You can learn how to stop procrastinating and makeeffective use of your time if you manage your time wisely.
10. Concentrate on the important elements of your tasks andstop working frantically with no accomplishments. Finishingyour essential tasks as they arise can prevent a tremendousloss of time.

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert.

Live Strong !


Generally we blame motivation or a lack of willpower for failing to keep our Resolutions. But this is too simplistic a view. If you want to create an endless source of motivation you have to understand what motivation is and how it works.

Everything in life has many, many layers and levels to it. And motivation is no different.No one has ever lacked motivation. Probably the most common area where people talk about motivation is losing weight and exercising.

Now why is someone overweight? Because they have too much motivation for the foods that make them put on weight. Why don’t people exercise? Because they are more motivated to do anything rather than exercise.

The problem is not motivation. You are always motivated, but you are motivated for the things that you feel will bring the greatest rewards or the least pain. Your motivation depends to a great extent on your personality. Introverts are more interested in avoiding pain, whereas Extraverts are more concerned with possible rewards.

Some people have a longer-term view of life, others care more about now.So an Introvert with a longer-term perspective is far more likely to choose the fat-free option because he or she wants to avoid the pain of being overweight.Whereas a more impulsive Extravert will probably go for the chocolate cake because the reward now is far more exciting than the possible pain in the future.

Everything we do is based on an economic mindset. By economic I don’t mean financial, but we do attribute everything with a value. And we continually look to maximize our pleasure and reduce our pain.